Rights for All People in Colorado

December 27, 2010 § Leave a comment

Located near a bustling street in the midst of ethnic restaurants, Spanish-speaking residents and shops owned by minorities, members of Rights for All People finally feel at home. The nonprofit immigrant rights advocacy group moved in October to Aurora from Denver, and is currently in the process of painting and refurbishing the new offices. The move to 1400 Dayton Street from their former location on Federal Boulevard in Denver was essential for the organization’s efforts to bring immigrant voices to the policy-making process, said Jeanette Vizguerra, leader of Rights for All People. “The majority of our base are people we work with here in Aurora,” she said. “It’s one of the areas where there are more anti-immigrant attacks.” Members of the group say Aurora has the highest number of immigrants per capita of any city in Colorado, which they say was also an important factor in their move. The group advocates for comprehensive immigration reform and focuses on ensuring that immigrants are treated humanely. “We are focusing on educating the community so they know why immigrants come here and what our reasons are for coming here, so they don’t think we are here to damage this country,” said Vizguerra, who is originally from Mexico City and has lived in Colorado for the past 13 years. (aurora sentinel)

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